Tameno allows you to set ever-repeating, “tapping” timers. This is perfect for repetitive tasks, like watering your plants for 30 seconds each, or brushing each side of each quadrant of your teeth for 10 seconds, or stretching different parts of your body 15 seconds each, or meditation, or yoga. [insert your use-case here].
Tameno running on an Apple Watch
What’s New In Tameno 1.1?
+ Complications and Widgets for your Apple Watch (requires watchOS 10)
The complications and widgets on your Watch let you easily start your last used interval, or just launch the app.
+ iOS Widgets on your Lock Screen
Pictured above, the circular “Last Used Interval” widget and the “set an interval on-the-fly” widget are displayed in all their glory, on an eye-shattering yellow background!
+ Intervals in the Widget can now be changed more easily
As seen here with the widget on Mac (but it also applies to the iOS widget, of course), you can now change either minutes or seconds, allowing you to much more comfortably set the interval you need.
+ Bug fixes, like properly displaying intervals in the iOS’ app’s Quick Actions menu
Links and Availability
Tameno is a universal one-time purchase on the App Stores, so a single purchase allows you to use the app on your Apple Watches, iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple TVs. It costs USD 3.99 / EUR 3,99 / GBP 3.99 and is available in English and German. It requires watchOS 9.4, iOS 16.6, iPadOS 16.6, macOS 13.5, and tvOS 16.6. Complications and Widgets on Apple Watch require watchOS 10. The interactive widget requires macOS 14 and iOS 17.
ScreenFloat v2.2.1, a free update for existing customers, is now available on the Mac App Store and includes numerous improvements for cutting recordings, automation, and more.
What is ScreenFloat?
ScreenFloat is your Screenshot All-Rounder. Capture screenshots and recordings that float above other windows, allowing you to reference anything on your screen, anywhere. It’s like Picture-in-Picture, only for screen captures. It keeps your Desktop clutter-free, as every capture you make is stored in its Shots Browser, where you can manage, organize and find your shots. They’re also synced across your Macs. Easily copy the non-copyable, as ScreenFloat recognizes text, barcode and faces in your shots, which also allows you to effortlessly redact sensitive parts of your screenshots. Add non-destructive annotations, redactions and markup, crop, “fold“, resize, or de-retinize your shots, or trim, cut or mute your recordings. Quickly pick colors. Create shareable and embeddable links for your captures using iCloud, ImageKit.io or Cloudinary.com. And so much more.
A screenshot is just a screenshot. Until you use ScreenFloat.
Tip: Check out the Get to Know ScreenFloat 2 Blog Post series for a deep-dive into its functionality and what it can do for you.
What’s New in ScreenFloat v2.2.1?
When you cut your recordings, you now get more info about the resulting video, where the playhead is, and how long your individual cuts are. Also, preview playback has been improved, as well as scrubbing through the recording.
At the top, you now see the duration of the finished recording. At the bottom left, you can see the duration and range of the currently selected cut, and at the bottom right the position of the playhead
There’s now an easier way to make new cuts, by holding down X on your keyboard as you play back your recording:
Standby Window Capture(macOS 14 or newer required) – grab a screenshot of any window from its green resize button, or from the Capture item in your menu bar.
AppleScripts and Shortcuts can now be run on floating shots directly, in addition to the already existing Double-Click Workflow Actions.
Right-click a floating shot to send it off to an AppleScript or Shortcut.
The new Permissions overview gives you all the details you need to know about why, how and when ScreenFloat makes use of certain privileges you grant it
You’re now able to set a floating shot’s visibility not only to the currently active app, but any currently running app
And many more minor improvements and bugfixes, like the Shortcuts app no longer launching right away when setting up a new Double-Click action, or the cutting window remembering its size.
Links and Availability
ScreenFloat is a one-time purchase, exclusively available on the Mac App Store for USD 15.99 / EUR 14,99 / GBP 15.99 , and a free update for existing customers. A free, 28-day trial is available for download from the website. It requires macOS 12 Monterey (macOS 14 Sonoma recommended for full functionality) A (free) iCloud account is required if you want to sync your ScreenFloat library across your Macs. ScreenFloat is currently localized in English, German, Chinese (Simplified), and Dutch.
ScreenFloat v2.2, a free, feature-laden update to my screenshot and recording allrounder Mac app, is now available on the Mac App Store. You can now cut your screen recordings and individual audio-tracks, have more options for upload-and-copy-link sharing, run AppleScripts and Shortcuts with your shots, and more.
What is ScreenFloat?
With ScreenFloat, you make captured screenshots and recordings float above all other windows, so anything you can capture is always in sight for reference. Think of it like Picture-in-Picture, only for captures. And that’s only the beginning. It keeps your Desktop clutter-free by storing shots in the Shots Browser, where you can organize, collect, tag, rate and favorite them. It recognizes text, faces and barcodes so you can effortlessly extract, copy, share and quicksmart-redact them. It syncs your shots via iCloud across your Macs. Add annotations and markup, crop, “fold“, resize, de-retinize, trim, and mute your shots, and more. A screenshot is just a screenshot. Until you use ScreenFloat.
Tip: Check out the Get to Know ScreenFloat 2 Blog Post series for a deep-dive into its functionality and what it can do for you.
and more – PopClip extension, improved Siri Shortcuts, more Search and Smart Folder options
Video Cutting
You can now cut individual sections out of your screen recordings. And even better, you can select individual audio tracks you’d like to cut, so if you accidentally cough during a recording, you’ll be able to cut that out (but keep the system sound), or if a system sound is going off you don’t want in the recording, you can remove that (but keep your mic sound). Quite a lot of users of ScreenFloat (myself included) have been waiting for this, and I’m happy it’s finally here.
With Link Sharing, you share a link to a shot instead of the actual shot, making it easier to share large or multiple files. Expiring iCloud Links have been available since ScreenFloat 2.0. ScreenFloat v2.2 now supports ImageKit.io and Cloudinary.com as alternatives, allowing you to create non-expiring, shareable and embeddable links to your shots. Just like with iCloud link sharing, these can be created in a double-click workflow, making uploading and sharing links an absolute breeze.
Double-Click Actions for AppleScript and Shortcuts
Automation is one of the things that make the Mac so great. With ScreenFloat 2.2, you can now send your screenshots or recordings off to an AppleScript, or a Shortcut, with a double-click workflow. I’m already using this myself to upload shots to my server using an AppleScript, and then copy a link to it to my clipboard (like Link Sharing offers, just with my own server). It’s very neat, if I may say so myself! You can find the instructions here.
In that same automation-vein, you can now call ScreenFloat’s capturing abilities (and more) using its url scheme, “esssf2“. Capture screenshots, timed screenshots, screen recordings, or content on your clipboard, and start “after capture” actions, like instant annotation, cropping, or cutting. You can find more information here.
Interactive Release Notes
Showing what’s new in an app is nice and all, but what if the release notes could actually take you right to that new feature, or show instructions, or show more info for an improvement? That’s exactly what I did here. Watch a short video instruction, get directed to a feature within the app, see a screenshot for more detail, or follow a link for more instructions, right from the new “What’s New” panel.
A new Siri Shortcut to create shots from the contents of your clipboard
Smart Folders and Search now can filter for File Size
All Capture shortcuts in Shortcuts.app now have an “After Capture” option so you can go into annotating, cropping, resizing, trimming, cutting (etc.) right away after the capture
Minor improvements and bug fixes
Links and Availability
ScreenFloat is a one-time purchase, exclusively available on the Mac App Store for USD 15.99 / EUR 14,99 / GBP 15.99 , and a free update for existing customers. A free, 28-day trial is available for download from the website. It requires macOS 12 Monterey (macOS 14 Sonoma recommended for full functionality) A (free) iCloud account is required if you want to sync your ScreenFloat library across your Macs. ScreenFloat is currently localized in English, German, Chinese (Simplified), and Dutch.
ScreenFloat v2.1.7 is now available on the Mac App Store, improving re-capturing, double-click workflows, and more.
What is ScreenFloat?
With ScreenFloat, you take screenshots and recordings that float above all other windows, keeping anything you can capture always in sight for reference. Think of it like Picture-in-Picture, only for screenshots. And that’s only the beginning. It keeps your Desktop clutter-free by storing shots in the Shots Browser, where you can organize, collect, tag, rate and favorite them. It scans your shots for text, faces and barcodes so you can effortlessly extract, copy, share and quicksmart-redact them. It syncs your shots via iCloud across your Macs. Add annotations and markup, crop, “fold”, resize, de-retinize, trim, and mute your shots, and more. A screenshot is just a screenshot. Until you use ScreenFloat.
Check out the Get to Know ScreenFloat 2 Blog Post series for a deep-dive into its functionality and what it can do for you.
When you press-and-hold ScreenFloat’s capture/record keyboard shortcut, you can re-capture the previously selected area of your screen. With version 2.1.7, ScreenFloat now remembers these per screen, not just the last one. Right-click into the re-capture view to access them.
When you use a double-click workflow that begins with a “Duplicate Shot” action, the subsequent actions are now applied to that newly duplicated shot, not the original.
Improved text rendering when creating a floating shot from selected, copied or dragged text. (ScreenFloat comes with a system service that lets you create floating shots from selected text. You can also use its menu bar icon > New Shot from Clipboard.)
The Shots Browser’s thumbnail performance has been improved
A bunch of bug fixes, like better clean-up of temporary files, rare crashes and minor grievances
User Voices
I don’t have any analytics in any of my apps, but from what I can tell from reviews and feedback I have received, the following are some of ScreenFloat 2’s most popular features, in no particular order:
Folding Allows you to remove a vertical or horizontal “middle section” from an image. The two remaining parts are stitched back together automatically. > You can fold shots in the Crop sheet.
Pin floating shots to Apps Tell a floating shot to only be visible when a certain app is frontmost. > You can do so by right-clicking the floating shot and selecting Visibility > In Current App (<AppName>)
Quicksmart-Redaction > Right-click a text line, a face, or a barcode, and you can redact it right away. No hassle.
Double-click Workflows Users really appear to enjoy running automated actions on a shot with a simple double-click. > Set up double-click workflows in Settings > Floating Shots > Double-clicking .
And because ScreenFloat has received a couple of very nice reviews on the Mac App Store, I thought I’d include some of them here.
“Totally indispensable! Fabulous tool for software developers that I cannot live without now.”
– AndyIceman ★★★★★
“Very versatile app. One of my most used apps.”
– fknoes ★★★★★
“Amazing app, couldn’t live without it.”
– danielc41 ★★★★★
“Excellent app, can’t live without it. Best screenCap utility on the market.”
-zr0s ★★★★★
Links and Availability
ScreenFloat is a one-time purchase, exclusively available on the Mac App Store for USD 15.99 / EUR 14,99 / GBP 15.99. A free, 28-day trial is available for download from the website. It requires macOS 12 Monterey (macOS 14 Sonoma recommended for full functionality) A (free) iCloud account is required if you want to sync your ScreenFloat library across your Macs. ScreenFloat is currently localized in English, German, Chinese (Simplified), and Dutch.