Author's Posts

Why is Xcode’s popup-documentation tied to the compiler? Kind of defeats its purpose at times.
If you’re trying not to read any spoilers about upcoming iPhone 15 colors, don’t worry about it.
Lately, they’ve become very lazy.

One of these days, I’d like to put some of the still-in-development ScreenFloat 2’s features through its paces (for instance, and most importantly, the migration of a ScreenFloat 1 library into the new format).

So I’m starting to put together a list of heavy-duty ScreenFloat users now, so that, once I’m ready, I can send out TestFlight invitations and get some feedback and insights right away.

If you consider yourself a heavy-duty ScreenFloat user, and/or have a large-ish library of shots and collections in ScreenFloat 1, please do reach out, I’d appreciate your help.

It’s still going to be a little while as I think about what I want to test exactly, and how, but I’ll be in touch nonetheless, you can be sure of that.

Thank you!

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