Yoink for iPad and iPhone’s 3 Year Anniversary

Yoink for iPad and iPhone's App Icon

Today, Yoink for iPad and iPhone is 3 years old 🥳. Time surely flies when you have… bugs to fix.

It certainly doesn’t feel like three years. It feels like only yesterday, to be honest.
On the other hand, the release process, yes, that felt like it took three years, because I was eager to release alongside iOS 11 (which, due to its drag and drop capabilities, made Yoink for iOS possible in the first place), but there were some serious delays with App Review, who rejected the app multiple times because of its keyboard extension, and later, its File Provider (while other, similar keyboard/FP extensions were apparently perfectly fine and allowed on the App Store. This is my single biggest gripe with App Review – the inconsistencies in rejections. It’s obvious why these things happen, and it’s understandable, but it’s frustrating nonetheless).

But all that’s in the past. Yoink for iOS has been out there for three years now, and it has been doing great – thanks to all of you who use it, leave ratings, reviews or send feedback.
It’s been featured on the App Store on numerous occasions – here are a few examples:

Yoink featured on ios app store

Yoink iOS App Store Feature  17 09 2020 14 39 25

Yoink iOS iPhone App Store US Feature  07 12 2017 13 06 01

So thank you all for three amazing years. Let’s hope for many, many more 🤗

P.S.: Keep an eye out on my social channels (twitter | facebook | linkedin), as I’ll be posting a few promo codes there!


– Matthias
mail | website | twitter | instagram | facebook

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