Update on what’s going on


Hi, everyone.

I wanted to try something new, so instead of a blog post, I’ve recorded this ~6 minute podcast for your listening (dis-)pleasure.

Here are the relevant links and time codes in case you want to jump to a specific section:

00:00 – Intro
00:25 – New website (http://www.eternalstorms.at)
00:47 – Yoink (http://www.eternalstorms.at/yoink)
02:46 – ScreenFloat (http://www.screenfloatapp.com)
03:21 – flickery (http://www.flickeryapp.com)
04:06 – GimmeSomeTune (http://www.gimmesometune.com)
05:09 – New apps (http://www.eternalstorms.at)
05:39 – Outro

I hope you enjoy it ๐Ÿ™‚

Podcast-download (best viewed in QuickTime Player or iTunes for chapter selection)

Take care,

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5 Comments, RSS

  1. Icarus

    Being a GimmeSomeTune-user since ages ago, I don’t understand what the problem is? You say the application is working. If you can’t release the new version, then please update the current one so at least the artwork is shown when you change song…

    • the problem is with licenses for lyrics and artwork. but I might consider updating the current version to at least show artwork and lyrics that are already in your iTunes library…

  2. Icarus

    “updating the current version to at least show artwork and lyrics that are already in your iTunes library”

    This would be more then enough for me at lease…

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