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ScreenFloat Mac App Icon

Today I finally was able to release ScreenFloat 1.5.13 on the Mac App Store. It’s a free update for existing customers of the app.
A 15-day trial can be downloaded for free from the website, even if you’ve tried it before.

What Is ScreenFloat?

ScreenFloat lets you create screenshots that float on top of everything, enabling you to keep an eye on information you currently need without having to switch back and forth between windows, applications or spaces.

Customers use it in all sorts of cases – when coding for code snippets, when making wire transfers for IBAN numbers and such, when working in Photoshop to compare images, the list goes on and on.

ScreenFloat in Action

Basically, any time you need to keep something in your field of view or need to remember something on screen, ScreenFloat is there for you. The floating shots follow you around, no matter what window, app or space you are in, or you can pin them to specific spaces.

Shots you close are not deleted, but kept for you in the Shots Browser, where you can organize and categorize them:

ScreenFloat's Shots Browser

What’s New in ScreenFloat v1.5.13?

• Most importantly, ScreenFloat now works on macOS Sierra.
As I wrote about earlier, macOS Sierra has a new sandbox entitlement that was prohibiting ScreenFloat from performing correctly, so that is fixed now.
While I was at it, I put the screenshot creation into its own XPC process, so I could isolate the new entitlement from the rest of the app, as Apple encourages doing.
• Aside from now working on macOS Sierra, it fixes two bugs and a (rare) crash, so I definitely recommend updating to version 1.5.13.

A Little Background on ScreenFloat’s App Store Review

When I first submitted this update of ScreenFloat to the Mac App Store, I included this line in is App Store description:
“Improves compatibility with macOS Sierra”
The update was rejected because of it. You are not allowed to mention Apple pre-release software in your App Store description. Instead, they suggest you use this line:
“Improves compatibility with an upcoming OS”
I think that’s rubbish. Everyone knows what the next OS is going to be called – it was publicly unveiled already under that name, so the likelihood of it changing now is virtually zero.
Secondly, they have a public beta out, for crying out loud. It’s in peoples’ hands already, but they don’t want developers to let their customers know that the app now works on Apple’s latest and greatest new system?
So I sent an appeal to the Review Board, it got rejected, I submitted the app again with the suggested line and it went through.
Still, I don’t think “an upcoming OS” is helping anyone. In fact, it’s more confusing than anything, if you ask me. “An upcoming OS” is ambiguous, whereas “macOS Sierra” lets the user know exactly what you mean.
Anyway, this will be my process from now on: Submit with my original line mentioning the OS update explicitly, getting rejected, appealing and then submitting with their suggested line. Perhaps they’ll get tired of it and let it through at some point. Probably not, though.

Pricing and Availability

ScreenFloat v1.5.13 is available for purchase on the Mac App Store for the price of $8.99 / £6.99 / €8,99. It is a free update for existing customers of the app.
A 15-day trial can be downloaded for free from the website, even if you’ve already tried the app.
ScreenFloat runs on Macs with OS X Lion 10.7.3 or newer.

If you’re interested in writing about ScreenFloat, you can download its press kit here, which contains screenshots, icons, a short sample video and further information.
A limited amount of promotional codes are available to members of the press at press(at)eternalstorms(dot)at.


ScreenFloat Website

ScreenFloat on the Mac App Store

ScreenFloat Demo Download

ScreenFloat Press Kit

ScreenFloat Video Preview on YouTube

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and to see what you think about ScreenFloat 1.5.13. If you like the app, please consider leaving a little review on the Mac App Store, it would help me out a lot! Should you have any feedback or questions, please be sure to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you! Thank you.


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Glimpses Icon

Today, Glimpses v2.1, an app that creates Still Motion Videos in just a few clicks, is available for download from the Mac App Store.
It’s a free upgrade for everyone who purchased it before.
A free, 15-day trial is available for download here, even if you’ve tried it before.

What Is Glimpses?

When you want to show your awesome photos from your recent vacation but there are just too many, you can either sort through them and heavy-heartedly decide which ones to toss aside, or you show them all – with a Still Motion Video.
Still Motion Videos show photos in very rapid succession, usually for the fraction of a second. Mix that with a soundtrack, and you can make your video action-packed and powerful, or mellow and soothing. Or even both.

Glimpses lets you create such high-quality videos with just a few clicks.
Import your photos (from your library, a hard drive, Flickr or Instagram), add one or more soundtracks and you’re set – Glimpses figures out the rest.
The app creates your video in a smart way:

  • The video’s resolution (ranging from 240p to 4K) will be calculated by looking at the smallest photos you supply
  • Its duration is based on the amount of photos you imported, and the duration of the soundtracks you supplied
  • Soundtracks that turn out too long will automatically fade out smoothly at the end of your video, whereas short soundtracks can be looped
  • Pillar- and letterboxes can be eliminated, if the photo’s resolution allows for it
  • Due to built-in facial recognition, photos are positioned in a way that faces aren’t outside of the video’s frame

However, control is always at the user’s fingertips. For example, soundtracks can be edited so only your favorite part of it is used, in an easy-to-use, yet powerful way:

Screenshot of Glimpses' Soundtrack Editor

Additionally, every other aspect of your video can be manually set up:

Screenshot of Glimpses' Video Settings

What’s New in v2.1?

  • Improves integration with macOS by providing a QuickLook plugin that offers an easier and quicker way to identify Glimpses project files
  • Improves integration with by supporting drag and drop from the app and offering a Share Extension so photos can be imported to Glimpses without leaving
  • Photos can be edited using external editors
  • Shuffle photos to add a random touch to your video
  • Performance improvements, refinements and bug fixes throughout the app

Pricing and Availability

Glimpses 2.1 is available for purchase on the Mac App Store for the price of $19.99 / £14.99 / €19.99.
It is a free update for existing customers of the app.
A free, 15-day trial is available on the website, even if you’ve already tried the app.
Glimpses runs on Macs with OS X Yosemite or newer.

If you’re interested in writing about Glimpses, you can download its press kit here, which contains screenshots, a short sample video and further information.
A limited amount of promotional codes are available to members of the press at press(at)eternalstorms(dot)at.


Glimpses Website
Glimpses on the Mac App Store
Glimpses Demo Download
Glimpses Press Kit
Glimpses Sample Video on YouTube

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and to see what you think about Glimpses 2.1.
If you like the app, please consider leaving a little review on the Mac App Store, it would help me out a lot!
Should you have any feedback or questions, please be sure to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you! Thank you.


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An inactive checkbox is always a bit of a mystery to me.
Why is it inactive? How do I get it to activate so I can select it? More often than not, it takes me a couple of tries fiddling around with other preferences to finally activate the checkbox and be able to select it.
It shouldn’t be that way.

And now I realize I’ve been guilty of having such an inactive checkbox in Yoink‘s preferences myself:

Yoink 3.2 Preferences Inactive CheckboxThe inactive checkbox “Show window near mouse pointer (…)” is inactive and needs extra steps to be activated

It’s exactly what I dislike. What was I thinking?
As a new user who has no idea how these preferences are connected, you just don’t know how to get that checkbox active and, more importantly, how to change the setting available behind the inactive checkbox.
In the worst case, it’d take three steps to activate it. You’d have to:

  1. Select the checkbox “Automatically show when” (if it wasn’t active before)
  2. Change “mouse pointer is at edge of screen” to “drag starts”
  3. and then you’d finally be able to access the newly active checkbox
If I launch Yoink for the first time, I have no idea what’s going on. That’s not a very good user experience.
So with the upcoming update v3.2.1, the checkbox will always be active, and it’s much clearer how these two options are connected:

Yoink 3.2.1 Preferences Active CheckboxIn Yoink v3.2.1, the checkbox is always accessible, eliminating extra steps to be able to select it.

Obviously, not all cases are the same and sometimes, in some places, there might be a good reason to have a checkbox inactive.
But here, it was clearly the wrong choice.

[Update 27.10.2016: I published a follow-up here.]

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Yoink Mac App Icon

I’m happy to tell you that today, Yoink 3.2 is available for download from the Mac App Store.
It’s a free upgrade for everyone who’s purchased it before.
You can download a 15-day trial for the app here, even if you’ve tried it before.

What Is Yoink?

Yoink simplifies and improves drag and drop on your Mac.


It simplifies drag and drop by providing a temporary place for files you drag, so you can navigate more easily to the destination of the files.
It’s especially useful when trying to move or copy files between different windows, Spaces or (fullscreen) applications.

Moving a file with Yoink

When you start moving a file in Finder, or app-content like an image from a website, Yoink appears at the edge of your screen, offering a temporary place for you to drag the files to.
Without having to keep the mouse button pressed, you can now get to the destination of your file quicker and easier.


Drag and drop is improved in several ways, including:

  • Collect multiple files from different locations you’d like to move to one destination without having to go back and forth
  • Split up a multiple-files-drag so you can move files to different places without having to go back and forth
  • Copy files to multiple locations more efficiently


You can customize Yoink’s behavior so it fits in perfectly with your workflow. Aside from having to option to show it at either edge of your screen (at the top, center or bottom), you can set it up to only appear when you drag files to the edge of your screen or to appear directly at your mouse cursor when you start dragging, making drag and drop even faster.

Yoink appearing at the mouse cursor

For applications where you don’t need Yoink, add them to a “blacklist”, so Yoink doesn’t interfere with your work.
A keyboard shortcut (by default, F5) lets you manually show or hide it, should you need it anyways.

What’s New in Yoink 3.2?

Force Touch Support

Force Touch in Yoink allows for quick actions, i.e. selecting all files, revealing files in Finder, QuickLooking files, splitting up Stacks and pinning files to Yoink, all available with one Force Click.

Yoink's Force Touch Preferences

For instance, Force Touch makes dragging out all files at once a much nicer process than before. Force Click onto one file and all are selected. Ease up one pressure level and start to drag, and you’ll drag all files instantly.
Additionally, Yoink can give you haptic feedback when dragging to it, so you know when you’ve entered Yoink’s window with files.

Deletion Warning

Yoink does not keep a copy of the files you add to it behind the scenes, so it’s important for users to know that if they Trash a file that’s in Yoink, it will be gone if it’s deleted.

Trash warning in Yoink 3.2

This one-time-per-app-launch warning notifies the user about what’s going on.

UI Enhancements

In previous versions of Yoink, when you moved your mouse cursor over a file, this happened:

Yoink 3 Icon Behavior

Some users felt that this results in a moving target (as the icon moves away), and that is definitely a bad user experience (in my defence, I didn’t think of it creating a moving target, because not only the icon, but also the background can be dragged).
Anyway, point taken, I’ve changed it to a simpler, and in the end calmer, animation:

Yoink 3.2 Icon Animation

What you can also see in the two GIFs above, I’ve changed the lock icon so it’s easier to tell if a file is pinned to Yoink or not.
Speaking of the lock, I’ve added a new animation that will let you know that the file can not be removed because it’s currently pinned to Yoink:

Yoink Lock Icon Jiggle

Further Improvements

  • File paths can be copied from Yoink’s contextual menu
  • Reduce Motion Setting
  • Text snippets can now contain images
  • Performance and resource management improvements when accepting files, dragging files out, clearing all items, splitting up stacks, opening the “Open With” menu
  • When Yoink is shown on a different screen than the mouse cursor, the keyboard shortcut (by default, F5) summons it to the screen of the cursor
  • Yoink reflects changes in the Finder’s “Show all filename extensions” setting
  • Mails dragged from Yoink work again with all applications. To create an event in iCal from a mail message, keep the option-key pressed as you drag the mail out of Yoink
  • When a file is re-saved in Finder, Yoink updates its QuickLook Preview Icon
  • When a snippet is added to Yoink, it has a proper filename instead of “Snippet”
  • And many more improvements and bug fixes throughout the application

Pricing and Availability

Yoink 3.2 is available for purchase on the Mac App Store for the price of $6.99 / £4.99 / €6,99.
It is a free update for existing customers of the app.
You can download a free, 15-day demo version here, even if you’ve tried Yoink before.
Yoink runs on Macs with OS X Lion 10.7.3 or newer. OS X Yosemite or newer is recommended.

If you’re interested in writing about Yoink, you can download the press kit here, which contains screenshots, links to a short video and further information. Promo codes are available to members of the press at press (at) eternalstorms (dot) at.

Yoink Usage Tips

To get the most out of Yoink, I’m collecting useful tips and tricks for you on this website.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and to see what you think about Yoink 3.2. If you like the app, please consider leaving a little review on the Mac App Store, it would help me out a lot!
Should you have trouble with it or have any feedback or questions, please be sure to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you! Thank you.

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