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OS X Mountain Lion

OS X Mountain Lion has hit the shelves on the Mac App Store and it’s off to a very good start.

So where are the updates for Yoink, ScreenFloat and flickery?

For all of my apps, I’ve submitted updates to the App Store at the beginning of July but they’re still “In Review” or worse, “Waiting for Review”. Here’s the run down of what’s working or not working on OS X Mountain Lion.


Yoink works perfectly fine in the currently available version (2.1.1). The upcoming update is a bugfix and minor feature release.
Nothing really changed for Yoink in OS X Mountain Lion that would break the app.


ScreenFloat has some minor issues. It works well, but you’ll notice that the “Launch ScreenFloat at Login” checkbox in the preferences is enabled although it shouldn’t be and will crash the app when clicked.

Another issue is with running ScreenFloat with the Dock icon enabled. Floating shots will not follow you to fullscreen apps or spaces. I’m currently looking into that. In the meantime, you can disable the Dock icon and it will work.


flickery is the most troubling. Not because of OS X Mountain Lion (some minor issues aside – like, the “Nearby” search doesn’t show up – it works well).

The troubling part is that flickr is shutting down their flickrAuth authorization mechanism by July 31st. Yes, that’s very soon and there’s no update out yet for flickery.
I’ve requested an expedited review by Apple for it and I hope they grant it.

If they don’t (and still, if they do, there’s a chance), it might take longer than July 31st for Apple to review the app. What that means is that authorizing flickery to work with your flickr account will not be possible. Also, although flickr doesn’t explicitly state this, it’s inferred that anything done over the flickr API with an old authorization token (an authorization token is what an app receives from flickr when the user authorizes the app to work with their flickr account) will not work anymore. So browsing, uploading, really anything you can do with flickery, will not work.

Please be aware that the upcoming update does include the new OAuth authorization and will make flickery work again with flickr. Until it is reviewed and released by Apple on the App Store, please have a little patience. I know it’s not ideal, but at this point, I’ve done all I can do.


aside from some minor issues with ScreenFloat and flickery, everything basically works on OS X Mountain Lion. For these issues, updates are currently “In Review” or “Waiting for Review” by Apple and should be released soon.

As for flickery, I’ve requested an expedited review and I urge you one more time to consider having a little patience 🙂 Trust me – it troubles me more than anyone.

Thank you for your time,
Take care,


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Docset Icon

picture credit: Apple, Inc.

What is ESSVideoShare?

ESSVideoShare is a framework Cocoa (Touch) developers can use in their projects to easily implement uploading videos to the popular video sharing services YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr and Facebook.

With a few lines of code, developers can implement this functionality and the framework will do all the heavy lifting.

Now available for iOS, additionally to OS X Lion

Originally, I had designed this framework for OS X Lion only. However, since the code base is mainly dependent on the Foundation framework which is available on both the Mac and iOS, I figured it would be a) really neat and b) easy to bring this framework to iOS as well.

The actual process of implementing the framework in your iOS project is a little different than for OS X – on OS X, you build the framework from the source and then add that framework to your project, on iOS, you take the source files of the framework directly and copy them to your project. Other than that, everything else remains the same.

Sample Projects and Links

ESSVideoShare open source project on GitHub

OS X Lion Sample Project (~250 KB)

OS X Lion How To

iOS Sample Project (~3 MB)

iOS How To


Enjoy – and please let me know if you use this in your projects, I’d be happy to hear about it 🙂


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[twitter-follow screen_name=’flickeryapp’ show_count=’yes’]

[twitter-follow screen_name=’screenfloatapp’ show_count=’yes’]

[twitter-follow screen_name=’gimmesometune’ show_count=’yes’]

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Hi, everyone.

I wanted to try something new, so instead of a blog post, I’ve recorded this ~6 minute podcast for your listening (dis-)pleasure.

Here are the relevant links and time codes in case you want to jump to a specific section:

00:00 – Intro
00:25 – New website (
00:47 – Yoink (
02:46 – ScreenFloat (
03:21 – flickery (
04:06 – GimmeSomeTune (
05:09 – New apps (
05:39 – Outro

I hope you enjoy it 🙂

Podcast-download (best viewed in QuickTime Player or iTunes for chapter selection)

Take care,

[twitter-follow screen_name=’eternalstorms’ show_count=’yes’]

[twitter-follow screen_name=’flickeryapp’ show_count=’yes’]

[twitter-follow screen_name=’screenfloatapp’ show_count=’yes’]

[twitter-follow screen_name=’gimmesometune’ show_count=’yes’]

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Presenting Yoink 2.0

Screenshot of MarsEdit











A picture usually says more than a bunch of words.

What is Yoink?

Yoink is an created to make “drag’n’dropping” files easier.
It shows a “shelf” when you start dragging files or content from applications so you can drop them onto Yoink. This way, your mouse is free for you to move between Finder windows, apps, spaces, fullscreen applications, etc.
Once you are where the files are supposed to go, you can drag the files out of Yoink again to drop them to their destination.

What’s new in version 2.0?

I got a lot of feedback on Yoink 1.0 from customers (thank you very much, by the way) and the changes you see in Yoink 2.0 are a direct result of it.

As you can tell from the image above, there’s a new look – done by the very talented Dietmar Kerschner.

Secondly, you can finally drop content from application onto Yoink – meaning images, text passages or links from within websites, for example. Or files on a server from the FTP client Transmit.

Also pictured in the image image above is a file stack. New in Yoink 2.0, when you drag multiple files onto Yoink at once, they’re not separate items in the list but just one item so you can easily drag them out at once again.

I’ve added a hotkey so you can manually show Yoink’s window so you can drag files from a Dock’s stack or applications like iTunes or Adobe Bridge that don’t trigger Yoink’s window for technical reasons – they use a non-standard NSPasteboard instance to do their dragging duties.

There are four new positions available – left, pinned to the top, left, pinned to the bottom, right, pinned to the top and right, pinned to the bottom (additional to the already existing left center and right center).

Availability and Pricing

Yoink is available exclusively on the Mac App Store for $2.99. But as usual, there’s a free, fully functional 15-day trial available at Yoink’s website (direct download). There’s also a quick screencast that shows exactly what Yoink does, and how it does it.

Feedback Appreciated

I really appreciate your feedback, input and criticism, so please do not hesitate to write me if you have any comments on my apps. Thank you kindly 🙂

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