Public Relations

Yoink for iPad and iPhone - Icon

I’m very pleased to announce the immediate availability of Yoink v2.0 for iPad and iPhone.
It’s a a free upgrade for everyone who’s purchased before and has a lot of great, new features, like iCloud Sync, Handoff and Siri Shortcuts.

Yoink Overview

What’s Yoink?

Yoink is your storage space (or “shelf”, as some would call it) for everything you’d like to keep around for a little while – text snippets, images, files – just about anything you wish.
Use drag and drop with Yoink as a Slide-Over or Side-by-Side app to store files, or use the Action/Share extension, the Today Widget or the File Provider to get files into Yoink.

Yoink 2.0 running on iPad Air and iPhone X

How does Yoink work?

The most obvious use case is to drag and drop files to it from other apps, like selected text, or images from websites, or emails, or map locations, just to name a few.
However, there are a number of ways to save files in Yoink:
– Yoink’s Share/Action extension shows up in almost any share sheet.
– The Today widget lets you quickly store your clipboard’s contents
– In the Files app, you can drag and drop files to Yoink’s file provider (and actually do that from any app that supports iOS 11’s files browser)
– Siri Shortcuts help you save your clipboard’s contents or start downloads with a simple voice command, and without having to activate Yoink

So, now that you’ve got all your files in Yoink, how can you get it out again?

– You can drag and drop anything from Yoink to any other app that supports drag and drop (and the dragged file types).
– Anything in Yoink can be copied to your clipboard.
– Yoink’s keyboard: Wherever you’re editing text, Yoink is right there with you – in the form of a keyboard. On iPad, drag and drop items out to where you’d like them in your text; on iPhone tap to copy items.
– Yoink’s Today widget: Tap any item in the widget and it’s copied to your clipboard
– The file provider: Any app that support’s iOS 11’s Files browser can access items stored in Yoink
– Spotlight search: The system-wide search can find any item stored in Yoink and take you right to it in the app

What’s New in Yoink v2.0?

iCloud Sync

Yoink 2.0 iCloud Sync on iPhone X

Yoink syncs your items across all your iOS devices using iCloud (Mac sync will follow at a later date).
Each device has its own “shelf” in Yoink, neatly grouping items together so you’ll always know where to find them.
Not only are synced files accessible via Yoink itself, but all relevant extensions as well: the keyboard, the today widget, Spotlight and the File provider.


Yoink 2.0 Handoff on iPad Air

Transfer files between your iPads, iPhones and Macs (separate Yoink for Mac app v3.5 required) using Handoff.
When files are selected on the sending device, those are transmitted. If no selection is made, you’ll be able to select on the receiving device.

Siri Shortcuts

Yoink Siri Shortcuts iOS 12 on iPhone X

Using Siri on iOS 12, you can store your clipboard’s contents or download the link on your clipboard in Yoink, all without having to switch-to or activate Yoink.
You can also copy files from Yoink, for instance, the most recently added image, PDF, text or weblink.
Lastly, you can tell open to show you a specific sync’ed device with a simple voice command.

Keyboard commands

Yoink can now be almost completely controlled by external keyboards. Selecting items, viewing their contents, searching, copying, pasting can all be done without you having to touch your screen.

Dark Mode and smaller icons

Yoink can now be used in a beautiful dark mode.
You can also set it up to use smaller icons, so you can show more files at once.

… and much more!

There are lots of other improvements and bug fixes, like being able to edit text right from Yoink, improved download notifications, better and more efficient icon creation and Spotlight indexing, support for universal links or in-app search.
Basically, not one part of Yoink has gone unimproved. It uses less memory and has become more responsive and reliable.

Pricing and Availability

Yoink for iPad and iPhone is available on the App Store for the price of $5.99 / £5.99 / €6,99, with all features unlocked – there’s no subscription or in-app purchase.

Yoink requires an iPad or iPhone that runs iOS 11 or newer.
It’s available in English, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Korean. More languages will follow.

Yoink is also available for (and originated on) Mac, exclusively available on the Mac App Store for the price of $6.99 / £6.99 / €7,99, with a free, 15-day trial available on its website.


Yoink for iPad and iPhone – Website
Yoink for iPad and iPhone – App Store
App Preview Video – “Add”
App Preview Video – “Drag out”
Yoink for iPad and iPhone – Usage Tips
Yoink for iPad and iPhone – Press Kit

Yoink for Mac – Website
Yoink for Mac – Mac App Store

Eternal Storms Software – Website
Eternal Storms Software – Blog
Eternal Storms Software – Twitter
Eternal Storms Software – YouTube
Eternal Storms Software – Facebook
Eternal Storms Software – Instagram

I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing what you think about this update. I hope you’ll enjoy it 🙂

If you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to write me!

With warm regards
– Matt

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I have a few good deals for you on some of my apps on today’s Black Friday.

Yoink App IconYoink – Simplify and Improve Drag and Drop on your Mac
— 42% off ($3.99 instead of $6.99) —
Website (with 15-day trial)
Purchase on the Mac App Store

ScreenFloat App IconScreenFloat – Use the power of Picture-in-Picture for your Screenshots
— 44% off ($4.99 instead of $8.99) — 
Website (with 15-day trial)
Purchase on the Mac App Store

Glimpses App IconGlimpses – Create Stunning Still Motion Videos from your Photos and Music
— 50% off ($9.99 instead of $19.99) —
Website (with 15-day trial)
Purchase on the Mac App Store

These deals last from today, Black Friday (November 25th 2016) to inclusively Cyber Monday (November 28th, 2016).

Enjoy 🙂

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Thank you 🙂

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Yoink Promotion on TwoDollarTuesday

I’d like to quickly inform you that, as part of TwoDollarTuesday, I have a sale of Yoink going on right now.

Yoink is 72% off on the Mac App Store ($1.99 instead of $6.99) for a limited time.

Also, yesterday I released an update for it, bringing it to version 3.2.6, fixing an issue with Microsoft Outlook and the Dock. It also brings minor improvements in low-memory situations.

Yoink on the Mac App Store
Yoink Website / direct Demo download

I hope you enjoy it 🙂

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ScreenFloat Mac App Icon

Today I finally was able to release ScreenFloat 1.5.13 on the Mac App Store. It’s a free update for existing customers of the app.
A 15-day trial can be downloaded for free from the website, even if you’ve tried it before.

What Is ScreenFloat?

ScreenFloat lets you create screenshots that float on top of everything, enabling you to keep an eye on information you currently need without having to switch back and forth between windows, applications or spaces.

Customers use it in all sorts of cases – when coding for code snippets, when making wire transfers for IBAN numbers and such, when working in Photoshop to compare images, the list goes on and on.

ScreenFloat in Action

Basically, any time you need to keep something in your field of view or need to remember something on screen, ScreenFloat is there for you. The floating shots follow you around, no matter what window, app or space you are in, or you can pin them to specific spaces.

Shots you close are not deleted, but kept for you in the Shots Browser, where you can organize and categorize them:

ScreenFloat's Shots Browser

What’s New in ScreenFloat v1.5.13?

• Most importantly, ScreenFloat now works on macOS Sierra.
As I wrote about earlier, macOS Sierra has a new sandbox entitlement that was prohibiting ScreenFloat from performing correctly, so that is fixed now.
While I was at it, I put the screenshot creation into its own XPC process, so I could isolate the new entitlement from the rest of the app, as Apple encourages doing.
• Aside from now working on macOS Sierra, it fixes two bugs and a (rare) crash, so I definitely recommend updating to version 1.5.13.

A Little Background on ScreenFloat’s App Store Review

When I first submitted this update of ScreenFloat to the Mac App Store, I included this line in is App Store description:
“Improves compatibility with macOS Sierra”
The update was rejected because of it. You are not allowed to mention Apple pre-release software in your App Store description. Instead, they suggest you use this line:
“Improves compatibility with an upcoming OS”
I think that’s rubbish. Everyone knows what the next OS is going to be called – it was publicly unveiled already under that name, so the likelihood of it changing now is virtually zero.
Secondly, they have a public beta out, for crying out loud. It’s in peoples’ hands already, but they don’t want developers to let their customers know that the app now works on Apple’s latest and greatest new system?
So I sent an appeal to the Review Board, it got rejected, I submitted the app again with the suggested line and it went through.
Still, I don’t think “an upcoming OS” is helping anyone. In fact, it’s more confusing than anything, if you ask me. “An upcoming OS” is ambiguous, whereas “macOS Sierra” lets the user know exactly what you mean.
Anyway, this will be my process from now on: Submit with my original line mentioning the OS update explicitly, getting rejected, appealing and then submitting with their suggested line. Perhaps they’ll get tired of it and let it through at some point. Probably not, though.

Pricing and Availability

ScreenFloat v1.5.13 is available for purchase on the Mac App Store for the price of $8.99 / £6.99 / €8,99. It is a free update for existing customers of the app.
A 15-day trial can be downloaded for free from the website, even if you’ve already tried the app.
ScreenFloat runs on Macs with OS X Lion 10.7.3 or newer.

If you’re interested in writing about ScreenFloat, you can download its press kit here, which contains screenshots, icons, a short sample video and further information.
A limited amount of promotional codes are available to members of the press at press(at)eternalstorms(dot)at.


ScreenFloat Website

ScreenFloat on the Mac App Store

ScreenFloat Demo Download

ScreenFloat Press Kit

ScreenFloat Video Preview on YouTube

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and to see what you think about ScreenFloat 1.5.13. If you like the app, please consider leaving a little review on the Mac App Store, it would help me out a lot! Should you have any feedback or questions, please be sure to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you! Thank you.


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Thank you 🙂


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