PSA: macOS Ventura 3rd-Party Widget Configuration Broken [Update 2: fixed in macOS 13.2]

Just a quick note that since the betas (!) of macOS Ventura 13.0, configuration of 3rd-party widgets is broken, which, of course, means that Yoink’s widget’s configuration does currently not work, and I cannot do anything about it. Let’s hope Apple fixes it soon, macOS 13.0.1 didn’t bring any improvement in this regard.

Here’s a quick video of what I mean:

Again, in my testing, this not only was the case for Yoink’s widget, but a widespread issue over all sorts of 3rd-party widgets, although I do believe that dynamically app-supplied values work. It might only be static values that are affected by this.

At some point in iPadOS 16’s beta, this same bug occurred, but that was fixed before release. I guess the fix didn’t make it into macOS.
Maybe it’s time for another “Back to the Mac” event.

UPDATE (Dec 14th, 2022)

This is still an issue on macOS 13.1 (22C65). Quite embarrassing for Apple.

UPDATE (Jan 24th, 2023)

macOS 13.2 (22D49) seems to have finally fixed the issue – although it *did* take an initial

killall Notification\ Centre

to kickstart the widgets after adding and configuring them. But after that, it seems to work reliably.

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