Ready for Lion

As the release of OS X Lion comes closer and closer, you’re maybe wondering if Eternal Storms Software is ready for the new cat.

Yes, all my software available on the Mac App Store will be ready for Lion.


flickery is, in its current version (1.9.24), not ready for Lion, but the update to make it compatible with it (1.9.25) is in review, so once it’s reviewed, it will be ready for Lion.

Screenfloat 3  dragged

ScreenFloat is ready for Lion as of version 1.1.1! I’ve tested every aspect of the app and everything seems to work just as expected.

GimmeSomeTune 3  dragged

As you might know, GimmeSomeTune is not yet available, but I wanted to let you know that I’m writing it for Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 and OS X Lion. I’m constantly booting into Lion to test if what I’m working on is running on Lion just as well as on Snow Leopard.


A good website to keep track of software that is (or is not) compatible with Lion is roaringapps, it gives you a great overview of lots of software and its status regarding Lion.

Take care,

3 Comments, RSS

  1. Matthias, Your gimmesometune has proven to be the best utility for iTunes. Thank you so much for your generosity. I look forward to the upcoming Lion updates. Cheers! -Bart

  2. perrohunter

    Me too! GimmeSomeTune is by far the best tool for covers and lyrics there is, I love it, Looking forward for the updated version ๐Ÿ˜€ please contact me if you need additional developers or something ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. adrian

    hi guys
    I’m using Gimmesometune since 1 Week. the first impression was: wow, pretty cool. Easy to handle, nice preview…well done dude. But now I got the confusing phenomenon that Gimmesometune is closing all the time after some actions with the mouse or switching the desktops (from imovie to firefox for example). Do you know a solution for this or what I’m doing wrong? Greetings and keep going with gimmesometune ๐Ÿ™‚

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