flickery and the Mac App Store

Thanks to your feedback, I’ve reached a decision on the Mac App Store which I think is fair and I’m pretty sure you will like as well.

Result of earlier blog Post

In an earlier blog post I asked you if you were ok with flickery being Mac App Store exclusive with version 2.0 where you wouldn’t be able to receive the discount I promised you when you purchased flickery 1.x

Responses have been generally very positive, I’m glad people are very accepting of the Mac App Store and my wanting to move my apps there.

However, I did think of a way where existing customers wouldn’t lose their discount.

flickery on Mac App Store decision

  • flickery will be released these days (once it’s been positively reviewed by Apple staff) on the Mac App Store in version 1.9.21
    Version 1.9.21, which brings a few fixes, will be available for non-Mac-App-Store customers as well.
    It will be priced at €18.99, nearly exactly the same as on the website.
  • Updates up until version 2.0 will be available for Mac App Store users and non-Mac App Store users alike.
  • flickery 2.0 will be Mac App Store exclusive
    Once version 2.0 is released, it will be offered at a discount, as promised to my existing customers so they can easily transition to the Mac App Store version.
    flickery 2.0 will be a free update to users who purchase flickery 1.9.21 or later on the Mac App Store.

I hope you like this solution, please let me know in the comments.

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2 Comments, RSS

  1. Sebastian

    Sounds fair, but it’s a shame as I don’t have access to the Mac App Store – probably wait for ‘Lion’ before upgrading and I expect intro discount will have gone by then (can’t complain as you very generously gave me a free license for my beta test bug reporting anyway).
    However, I can see it makes a lot of sense for you as a developer, as you won’t need to support pre Snow Leopard for flickery 2.0…

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