Transloader v3.1.1 is now available for Mac, iPad and iPhone

Transloader – an app that lets you start downloads on your Macs, remotely from your iPhones, iPads, and other Macs – is now available in version 3.1.1 for both macOS and iOS.

v3.1.1 is a maintenance update which includes minor improvements and fixes.
– Now remembers previously selected Macs in Transloader and its Share extension
– The “local” Mac is now included in the Add Download dialogs
– Improved imagery for Macs and iOS devices
– Improved behavior of Transloader’s popover (when used as a menu bar app)
– Improved positioning of Transloader’s popover if the menu bar item is currently being truncated by macOS

– Fixes a bug where sometimes clearing all data from Transloader’s iCloud would fail
– Fixes a bug where copying preferences over from another Mac would confuse Transloader into thinking it is that other Mac
– Reduces the frequency of the appearance of rating requests from 6 to 9 months (if there’s been an update in between)


Transloader Website
Transloader on the Mac App Store ($9.99 / € 9.99)
Transloader for Mac on Setapp
Transloader on the iOS App Store (free)
Transloader Usage Tips
Eternal Storms Software Productivity Bundle (includes Transloader, Yoink and ScreenFloat at ~25% off)

Enjoy 🤗

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