
You’re working on your Share extension with support for MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar, but it’s empty and doesn’t appear when your extension is loaded?

NSTouchBar Empty

The solution is simple:

Solution for showing NSTouchBar from within a Share extension

Call [self.view.window makeFirstResponder:self.view]; and it will push your glorious NSTouchBar onto the stack:

NSTouchBar working in a Share extension

Hope it helps – it would have saved me 20 minutes if I’d known 😉

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Yoink 3.2 comes with a handful of new features. In this post, I will … NOT tell you about those. Instead, I’d like to focus on what changed under the hood.
I think it can be interesting to reflect on how things change from release to release and what improvements were made. And how.

I’ll write about performance improvements and perceived speed-ups in the app and how I managed to improve Yoink’s handling of resources within the OS X sandbox to be able to hold more files than it was previously able to.

Performance Improvements and Speed-Ups

Let’s begin with low-hanging fruit, shall we?

I improved the responsiveness and perceived performance of Yoink in a couple of subtle, but nonetheless important places:

Make “Clear All” Faster

This is the perfect case of “put work on another thread to make the app seem faster”.

Files that don’t exist on the disk yet (like images from websites, text snippets from documents, a file from an FTP client, etc.), Yoink has to create and therefor, when they’re removed from Yoink, they need to be deleted from disk as to not waste space.

For this, I have a method named -prepareForRemoval. It checks if the file was created  by Yoink itself and deletes the file from the disk.

Now, the way “Clear All” works is fairly straight forward:

  1. Iterate over each item in Yoink
  2. Check if the file is currently pinned in Yoink. If it is, skip it; if it isn’t, continue with
  3. Call -prepareForRemoval that cleans up any files that we don’t need anymore
  4. Update the tableView
There’s a few things I’ve improved here:
For starters, for removing files out of the array that powers the tableView, I had used another array that held the items to be removed and after the loop was done, removed the files from the main array.
This I’ve replaced with -filterUsingPredicate:. It’s not only much cleaner to read, but also more performant and using less resources (getting rid of the superfluous array and the second loop for iterating over it for removal).
Secondly, I took step #3 (calling -prepareForRemoval for each item) out of the filtering method and put it on a background thread that gets executed concurrently with everything else, making the filtering much faster.
It doesn’t make any difference for just a few files, but once there are more than 20 files in Yoink and they’re all cleaned out at once, you can definitely begin to notice it.
It’s almost instant now, no matter how many items there are in Yoink.

Make Splitting Up Stacks Faster

A Stack in Yoink is an item that encapsulates multiple files, created by dropping more than one file to Yoink in one single file-drag. The Stack can be split up so individual files can be dragged out of it.

A Stack in YoinkA Stack in Yoink

Splitting up works fine, but again, if a Stack holds more than just a few files, there might be slow-downs. I can’t entirely get rid of those because of the work that needs to be done, but I can speed up the process.

It used to be a simple for-loop, iterating over the files in the Stack and creating a new item in Yoink for each one.
Now, the method uses concurrent enumeration, by calling
[array enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock:^(aBlock)].
It makes the system create as many threads as it sees fit under the current system load and configuration and loops over the array concurrently, making splitting up larger Stacks noticeably faster.

Accepting a Drop

Accepting a drag in Yoink

Because of changes equivalent to brain surgery (which I’ll discuss below), I had to speed up accepting files in Yoink, otherwise it would be perceived as slower than the previous version, and that’s unacceptable.

Again, NSEnumerationConcurrent to the rescue. It can do wonders.

On the other hand, sometimes it can be slower than an ordinary for-loop, because there’s the overhead of the thread-creation that goes on behind the scenes.
For example, the equivalent to NSEnumerationConcurrent for sorting is NSSortConcurrent. If you use it for something very simple, though, like comparing two strings, it doesn’t do much good. For more complex comparing, it might speed up your method. Another example, NSEnumerationConcurrent would not have given me any speed-ups before the brain-surgery in Yoink.

Removing Sandbox Limitations in Yoink (a.k.a Brain Surgery)

In older versions of Yoink, the app would start behaving incorrectly once a certain amount of files were added to it over the course of the app’s session lifetime. It’s a direct result of how the sandbox hands NSURLs to your app.

Files can be added to an app via the Open dialog (known inside the sandbox as Powerbox) or via drag and drop – which is what Yoink is doing.
These files come in the form of NSURLs. In the sandbox, NSURLs that hold references to files can’t just be used nilly-willy, access to them has to be started (-startAccessingSecurityScopedResource) and stopped (-stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource).
When a file is added through the powerbox or a drag, the system automatically calls -startAccessing(…) for that NSURL for you before it is passed to you in code (without telling you. Also, it causes problems: see Addendum #1).

The documentation has the following to say about -startAccessing(…):

If you fail to relinquish your access to file-system resources when you no longer need them, your app leaks kernel resources. If sufficient kernel resources are leaked, your app loses its ability to add file-system locations to its sandbox, such as via Powerbox or security-scoped bookmarks, until relaunched.

So, -startAccessing(…) and -stopAccessing(…) have to be balanced, otherwise resources are leaked and no further files can be handled by the app – which is exactly what caused earlier versions of Yoink to misbehave once a certain amount of files have been added to it, because I didn’t balance the -startAccessing(…) call the system made before handing the NSURL to me.

The obvious solution, then, is to indeed call -stopAccessing(…) once you receive the NSURL and call -startAccessing(…) once you really need to access the file. But there’s where things go downhill. Once you stop accessing an NSURL, the sandbox believes you never had access to it in the first place, and any subsequent call to -startAccessing(…) fails. Unless…

NSURL’s Security-Scoped Bookmarks (the actual Brain Surgery Part)

Unless you create a security-scoped bookmark of the NSURL first and then call -stopAccessing(…). In versions prior to 3.2, I created bookmarks only when the app quit, in order to keep access to files over relaunches and restarts.
While the app was running, though, I only handed around and worked with NSURLs (with the limitation that once ~1.500 files were added to it, the app would seize to work properly and needed a restart).

This is what I do now, to allow for many, many more files than ~1.500 to be added during the app’s run:
The first thing I do when I receive an NSURL from the drop is create a bookmark from it. Subsequently, I call -stopAccessing(…) (important: without first calling -startAccessing(…), as the system has already done that for me at that point) and the resource is freed – the app is now in a state just like right from launch – as if no file had been added yet.

But now I have an NSData object where an NSURL object used to be – pretty incompatible. That’s where the brain surgery came in. It sounds trivial, but switching from NSURL to the bookmark and making sure the resource is accessed in all the right places (and not unnecessarily) and also cleaned up was an unexpected amount of work.

But long story short, the brain surgery worked, and the patient is up and well. No spasms. No drool.

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Resource Usage Improvements

In the second part of this post, I’d like to explain how I was able to reduce not only Yoink v3.2’s memory footprint, but its overall resource usage.

In Yoink, I want to be able to reflect changes in filenames and be aware of file deletion – it’s a better user experience when, if a file is renamed in Finder, that file also updates its filename inside Yoink.
And there’s not much use in having a file in Yoink that’s been deleted a while ago.

Watching Files for Renames

For this, I use dispatch_sources to watch NSURLs.

GCD provides a suite of dispatch sources—interfaces for monitoring (low-level system objects such as Unix descriptors, Mach ports, Unix signals, VFS nodes, and so forth) for activity.

I want all the information I can get right from the start – probably a habit I picked up during the development of flickery, where flickr counts the number of API requests and once you hit a certain limit, you’re cut off.
So up until now, I created a dispatch_source for every single file that was added to Yoink – better safe than sorry, right?

Well, wrong! dispatch_sources are limited as well, as you need to call open() on the files you’d like to watch. The limit lies around 2.500 files (which, if the NSURL-issue I described above hadn’t already limited the amount of files Yoink could accept, would limit the amount of files Yoink could accept).

No. I needed another, saner and resource-friendlier approach.
Sane and resource-friendly? Bye-bye, polling. You’re out of the race. Good riddance.
Now, three facts are painfully obvious, in the case of Yoink. There are three promising places for improvement, as I don’t actually need to watch:

  • … files that were created by Yoink (images from websites, text snippets, any files that haven’t actually been written to disk yet…)
  • … files that are scrolled out of view in Yoink
  • … files that are encapsulated in a Stack

Files that were created by Yoink don’t need to be watched for name-changes

Text Snippet in Yoink

Files Yoink creates itself are inside Yoink’s sandbox container (at /Users/name/Library/Containers/) and managed by Yoink. No need to watch those.
Text snippets especially – their names are created based on their contents.

Files that are scrolled out of view don’t need to be watched for name-changes

Out of view files in Yoink

Imagine this: You have 9 files in Yoink, separately. You have it set up to show 3 at a time. Currently, you see files 4, 5 and 6. You definitely want to be notified when the name of any of these three files changes in Finder, as the user can currently see them in Yoink, so the changes need to be reflected right away.
But what about files 1, 2, 3 and 7, 8, 9? Do they need to be updated if the user can’t see them right now, anyway?


We watch only visible files, and already we’ve reduced the files to watch for name changes from 9 to 3, saving ~67% of valuable resources – which also means more performance (no extra code execution for those 6 files) and less memory usage. (API side-note: In an NSTableView, you can get the currently visible rows by passing the rect you get from -visibleRect to -rowsInRect:).

If a user scrolls, though, the visible files change and the watched files might now be out of view, being completely useless.
Due to this, Yoink needs a mechanism to update which files need to be watched for filename changes. They are updated when:

  • files are added
  • files are dragged out or removed
  • the window’s size changes
  • Stacks are split up
  • a scroll ends
The update mechanism discards the dispatch_sources for previously visible files and sets up watching the newly visible files.

Files that are in a Stack don’t need to be watched for name-changes

Stacks in Yoink

Yoink displays Stacks like you see in the picture above. An icon, with the number of files inside the Stack. There’s actually no need to watch those files, as file name changes wouldn’t be reflected anyway.
This has “opportunity” for resource-savings written all over it.

When to actually update filenames for files that aren’t being watched

So, when are those filenames updated?
Files that are currently not visible might be visible later because the user scrolls to them or files are removed and dragged out.
Files in Stacks might be exposed by splitting them up.
There needs to be some way to update those filenames, even if they’re not actually being watched by the app right now.

Files in a Stack are actually easy – the filenames are created as soon as the user decides to split the Stack up, as Yoink gets the NSURLLocalizedName for each file.

Files currently not visible require a bit more work, but nothing too difficult.
OS X thankfully provides notifications for when a scroll occurs. Depending on the version of OS X you’re targeting, there’s either NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification (OS X 10.8 and earlier) or the more fine-grained NSScrollViewWillStartLiveScrollNotificationNSScrollViewDidLiveScrollNotification and NSScrollViewDidEndLiveScrollNotification (OS X 10.9 and newer). For a caveat regarding “legacy” mice, see Addendum #2.

When the *WillStart* notification is sent, I start updating all filenames in Yoink in a background thread (all filenames, because I don’t know where the scroll is going to end).
Once *DidEnd* is called, I update the files to be watched with my usual routine of getting the -visibleRect. Then I update the filenames for the now visible files, just in case the background-thread is still running and hasn’t come to those files yet.

Watching For File Deletion

A warning message when a file residing in Yoink is moved to the Trash in FinderYoink 3.2 displays a warning once a session when a fie is moved to the Trash.

Watching for files being moved to the trash or deleted altogether is another beast entirely.
For this alone, I’d have to watch every single file – being in a stack, not currently visible, etc. -, effectively subverting every single improvement I had hoped for above.
There had to be a better way.

Luckily for me, there is.

I had the idea that, if a file or folder could be watched, the Trash itself should be watchable too, meaning that instead of having to watch every single file if it was moved to the trash or deleted, I’d only have to watch one Trash folder for each volume attached to the Mac (because external volumes have their own Trashes).

Since dispatch_source is my go-to-API for watching files (and I have experience with it), I set up a test-app that watched all Trash(es) folders on the Mac. Surprisingly, it worked only for the internal volume, external volume’s Trashes folders couldn’t be watched. Busted.

FSEvents to the Rescue

Just when it looked like all hope was lost, I remembered the FSEvents API:

[The FSEvents] API provides a mechanism to notify clients about directories they ought to re-scan in order to keep their internal data structures up-to-date with respect to the true state of the file system. (For example, when files or directories are created, modified, or removed.)

It was worth giving it a shot, and – again, surprisingly – watching external volume’s trashes for changes worked this time around. Success.
Now I can tell whether a file in Yoink was moved to the Trash or deleted, without having to set up a dispatch_source for every file and without having to do any polling.

In Closing

Having had code in Yoink that could render the app useless after a couple of thousands files had been added makes me uncomfortable and is pretty embarrassing to admit, but I’m glad I got rid of it.
I’m also very happy with the improvements made with the upcoming update.
In many places, Yoink feels much more responsive because of them.


Addendum #1

An NSURL you receive from the powerbox or a drag’n’drop operation already has started access to the resource it points to. This causes the problem that file drags with more than ~1.500 files behave incorrectly (your mileage may vary). The first ~1.500 files are added just fine, but suddenly you start seeing something like this in your logs:

Yoink[74545]: Consume sandbox extension for itemIdentifier (9035) with path: /some/file/path from pasteboard failed!

And worse, the NSURLs you receive beyond that point are useless, you can’t access the files they point to.
My understanding is that this would be a non-issue if the system didn’t automatically call -startAccessing(…) before it hands the NSURLs to you and lets you decide when to startAccessing the NSURLs.
As far as I can tell, this is an issue that can not be worked around at this time, and I’ve tried a couple of things. I hope Apple is working on it. One should believe since 10.7, they’ve had enough time.

Addendum #2

A legacy mouse, as in, a mouse that has a traditional scroll wheel, will only call NSScrollViewDidLiveScrollNotification, not *WillStart* or *DidEnd*.
I handle that in Yoink by calling the update method delayed, and canceling the delayed call should another *DidLiveScroll* notification occur in the meantime, this way, I “simulate” *WillStart* and *DidEnd*:

[NSRunLoop cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(scrollingDidEnd:) object:nil];
[self performSelector:@selector(scrollingDidEnd:) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.15];

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Please join me on a journey through the past 2 years, from the idea of Briefly to the development and eventual release of the app 🙂

The Idea for Briefly

The idea for Briefly was literally fed to me on a golden spoon.

Well, not literally. Literally, it was hurled at my head with a tweet by a twitter user I sadly can’t remember (believe me, I’ve tried digging up that tweet again, but I wasn’t successful).

I only remember the content (and I’m paraphrasing, because I don’t remember it word by word)

It should be way easier to do this [link to a still motion video I can’t find anymore either]

And that’s where I got the idea, because the tweeter was right – it should be easier to do this kind of video.

Getting the idea for Briefly was, thus, a case of “right place, right time” – in this case: twitter.

Existing Apps?

You might say – why create this app? There’s iMovie (on both OS X and iOS), there’s Final Cut Pro… Why develop an app that does less?

As I stated in my (also-pseudo) post-mortem of Transloader, I believe in making apps (even if they’re small ones) that improve a particular workflow or fix a particular need.

So yes, you can use iMovie to make a still motion video fairly easy. But I figured it could be even easier and faster. Thus I stuck with the idea and started development of Briefly.

It was a gut decision to go for it as I don’t have time nor the will to do much (or any, really) market research and stuff like that. I’d rather spend my time working on code.
So it could have gone either way – have a good or miserable reception (and even if you do market research, it still can go either way).

I always pick projects this way. There are two types of apps I develop:
Apps I have a (sometimes desperate) need for myself (ScreenFloat, Yoink, Transloader) and apps I think others might have a need for (flickery, Briefly).
On apps I need I usually start working right away. If I release them to the public is a different question, though. If I think it’s too niche or too small I usually don’t bother.
When I come up with an idea for an app that others might benefit from, I usually let it ripe in my head for a few weeks. I find that if I let it work out in my head, I either have less and less doubts about it or more and more. If I have too many doubts, I discard the idea for now.
If the picture of the app becomes clearer through this process, I make a move on it and start working. 

Still Motion Videos?

I hear you say – Still Motion videos? What’s that?

After I released Briefly, I’ve been told that Still Motion videos aren’t really a thing, that it’s not a correct term, that time lapse would be the right term to use.

Yes, with Briefly you can create time lapse videos. Or stop motion videos. But what do those two types of videos have in common?
The photos are connected to each other. They are a series of photos correlating with each other, creating an animation or sense of movement.

But that was not the main focus for me (contrary to what you might think watching Briefly’s intro trailer).
The focus, for me, was still motion videos, which basically are the same as stop motion videos (as in, photos shown in rapid succession) but the photos don’t have to correlate with each other. They can be of completely different things.

Because that’s what the video in the tweet I got the idea from was. It was a video of hundreds of vacation photos shown for just a fraction of a second with a soundtrack. That became my goal for this app.

Plus, it’s a term on wikipedia. So it must be right. Right? Right? 😉


I began development of Briefly in October 2011. That’s not a typo. It took me almost two years to release this app. Here’s why:

First off, Briefly is not my only app.
In October 2011, I have flickery and ScreenFloat to take care of. I’m also working on YoinkTransloader and flickery 2, with Yoink being in the final stages of development (released in late 2011) and Transloader taking me more than another year to complete. flickery 2 is still in development.

Secondly, Briefly depends on two frameworks I created.
One is for flickery 2 (because in Briefly, you can import photos from your photosets on flickr) so I had to complete certain portions of flickery 2 before I could continue development on Briefly.
The other one is ESSVideoShare (available as open source here). I had to create that framework first so I could implement sharing functionality in Briefly.
And last but not least, support for Instagram, which took some time as well. There were a few changes in the API when I wrote the integration, so I had to keep adapting.

That alone took me a couple of weeks to get done.


I started off creating the backend of Briefly, which is the video creation part. 

Screenshot of ZlidezFirst interface for Briefly, then called Zlidez

I began developing the backend with QTKit, which, in hindsight, was not a good decision. Actually, it cost me two weeks, only to decide later to use AVFoundation instead.
AVFoundation is undoubtedly the future of audiovisual media frameworks on OS X and iOS. When you watch the WWDC videos, the message is clear. Not using it was a mistake because QTKit would get deprecated some time and, more importantly, is not available on iOS. When I started development of Briefly, I hadn’t considered bringing it to iOS as well, but it later struck me that it would be a good fit for the platform.

Moving to AVFoundation from QTKit

Moving to AVFoundation from QTKit was a matter of delete and re-write. AVFoundation is quite a different beast and it didn’t make much sense trying to refactor what I had written for QTKit.

So I started from scratch. AVFoundation has a steep learning curve – at least to me. “Simple” things like adding an image to a movie is very different from QTKit, where it’s a matter of

– (void)addImage:(NSImage *)image forDuration:(QTTime)duration withAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes

This is far more complex in AVFoundation. It’s a matter of setting up an AVAssetWriter, AVAssetWriterInput, AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor and adding your samples to that pixelBufferAdaptor.

Quality Output

I spent the most time of the development on assuring Briefly creates the best possible output – which should be the priority #1 for any content-creation app, anyway.

First and foremost, I wanted to eliminate the occurrence of black borders in the video itself (if they occur in fullscreen playback, that’s nothing I can avoid) all while keeping it rendering quickly (especially on iOS devices).
I was in contact with three photographers to see what they thought about it and they helped shape the output a great deal. I must admit, I don’t know much (if anything at all) about photography so I was dependent on their input.


Originally, I had planned to include a couple of royalty-free soundtracks with Briefly. But I seem to have bad luck communicating with license holders in general.

I have quite some experience regarding this, coming from GimmeSomeTune. No one wanted to talk to me about that, either, and the same happened with Briefly.
I wanted to get in touch with about 5 different “soundtrack-websites”. Not one replied. So I moved on. For now, users can choose soundtracks from their hard drives or iTunes library.

This might change with a future update as, since the release of Briefly, someone got in touch with me about that. We’ll see where it goes.

At least we made first contact 🙂

What was important to me regarding soundtracks is that they automatically fade out if they are longer than the video, without the need of input from the user.

Designing Briefly

My goal was to be able to create still motion videos hassle-free in as little steps as necessary.

For Briefly, that was:
1) Choose the photos
2) Choose the soundtrack

(I don’t count clicking “Create” a real step).

I wanted an app where you could do everything you needed in one window. No panels, no inspectors, etc.
‘No preferences’ plays into that as well.
I don’t want users to have to think about what speed is best, in what order the photos should be displayed (Briefly automatically sorts added photos by date), what format it should be, if the soundtrack should fade out at the end over what period, that sort of thing.

The only real adjustment users can make is the video resolution (Auto, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p).
It was actually only an output test for myself and I had planned not to use it in the release, only providing the “Auto” option. I can’t say exactly why I changed my mind and decided to leave it in. Probably because I wanted to let users know somehow that Briefly would produce videos at these resolutions and if “Auto” was chosen, Briefly would figure out the best one.
The popup is a slight break from the “Briefly figures it out for you”-concept.

Briefly's first interface conceptFirst concept for Briefly’s interface (Briefly was then called PostHaste)

This first concept of Briefly’s interface is pretty close to what I released, though obviously, it was optimized to put the content in focus, not the interface elements.

For example, we (my designer, Alexander Käßner and me) fused the huge “No soundtrack selected” area into the bottom bar, between the Quality-popup and the Create button, making more place for user-selected photos.

The first iteration of the interface was this:

First iteration of Briefly's interface with wooden texturesFirst iteration of Briefly’s interface with wooden textures

When Alex and I started out designing the interface, I was pretty keen on the wooden textures. I don’t know why. I just liked them (and I still do, though I must say the release version looks much nicer).

Notice that the buttons Browse… and Import… are in the middle of the window and would vanish when photos were added. So once the user selected photos, additional photos could only be added through the File menu in the menu bar or drag and drop. Not a good design decision (especially for novice users), so we put the buttons in the title bar of the window (relatively close to release of the app) so they would always be accessible – except when in fullscreen mode, then they would disappear.

The screenshot above also shows the import view (which is pretty close to what shipped in the release version).
The import view started out as a window sheet, attached to the main window (like an open/save dialog). And it would have been fine, but there’s one problem – it makes drag’n’drop difficult because a sheet usually covers an area of the window it’s attached to.
I wanted users to be able to drag and drop from the import sheet to the main window and make multiple imports without the sheet closing every time. So the sheet had to go.
We put the import sheet into the main window as a view, so the content below it resizes when it’s shown and now users can drag and drop from the import view to the main window and click on “Import” multiple times without dismissing the import view.

More wooden BrieflyAnother, earlier screenshot of a wooden Briefly

Pretty close before release, I decided against the wooden textures. I think I found it too distracting. The focus should always be on what the user’s working on, not the interface.

Dark draft of BrieflyA darker version of Briefly

What you see in the screenshot above is a first draft of a darker, less distracting Briefly. It is quite a difference. And one more iteration of this darker interface is what’s in the release version today.

Flatter Briefly UIWe decided to go a little flatter and less texture-y.

We got rid of the title- and bottom-bar noise-texture and enlarged the soundtrack view a little bit to align with the top of the bottom bar and the bottom of the window giving it more space to breathe.

First Launch Experience

When you first launch Briefly, this is what you see:

First launch BrieflyBriefly’s UI when launched the first time

The popover you see in the screenshot used to be a sort of tutorial, instead of the arrows and explanations you can see underneath in the release version.
It would jump from UI element to UI element, explaining what each element does. Unnecessary. With the way it is now (the arrows), it’s much better.
For one because it’s always there when the window is empty, letting the user know what to do without them having to open up the tutorial again (and perhaps struggling to find a way to do so).
Secondly because a popover that jumps around is nauseating.


I designed Briefly as a one-shot app – add photos, a soundtrack, create the video and repeat with different photos and soundtrack. An app where you wouldn’t go back to past projects and redo them.

There’s no projects, no documents, no saving.

The only saving that happens is of content that hasn’t been turned into a video yet. So if you select photos and/or a soundtrack and then quit Briefly, those items would still be there on the next launch.

This could easily be turned into a Briefly-document to be edited later at any time and I might do so with a future version of Briefly.
The data saved is very small because all it does is take the paths (actually, NSURL bookmarks) and save them for later use.

Naming Briefly

Before finally coming up with and settling on Briefly, I went through a number of names.

The first name I had was “Zlidez – the z stands for zpeed”. I moved away from that because… it sucks.
Another was PostHaste – though already taken, as I later found out.

The name I absolutely loved was Momento – a portmanteau of momentum (for speed) and memento (i.e., photos). Sadly enough, this was also already taken.

Names before BrieflyBrainstorming session for Briefly’s name (notice that it isn’t on there)

more of briefly's former namesA closer selection of Briefly’s former names

As with most of the names for my apps, Briefly came to me out of the blue and I think it works very well.


I am very happy with how the app turned out. The reception has been great, although there are complaints about the rate at which photos are shown in the videos created with Briefly (although it says so in the description of the app on the App Store – “photos are shown for the fraction of a second”).

It got featured by Apple (and as of this writing, still is) on the Mac App Store front page in the “New & Noteworthy” category:

Apple Feature

and received nice reviews on TUAWCult Of Mac and lots of others.

Working with Alex Käßner again has been a blast, but I knew it would be, coming off of Transloader, where he did excellent work as well.

Now we’re working on Briefly for iOS, which will be available later this year for iOS 7.

Thank you for reading,
Take care,

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