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Yoink for Mac Usage Tip #5

The following explains how to send files to Yoink from the Terminal, or a shell script.
For more Usage Tips like this, click here.

Here’s a quick tip for those of you who spend their days in OS X’s Terminal and want to use Yoink with it more easily. This is something that customers request quite a lot, so here it is for future reference 😉

terminal to yoinkTo send a file from to Yoink, you can use this command:

open -a Yoink /path/to/the/file

You can simplify this by creating what is called an alias command:

alias yoink=“open -a Yoink”

This way, all you have to type in is this:

yoink /path/to/the/file

This is a temporary alias and will work for the current Terminal session. If you’d like to make the alias permanent, please do the following (taken from this MacLife post)

To make the alias permanent, you will need to edit a file called “.bash_profile” by running the following command:

nano ~/.bash_profile

This will open nano (a command line text editor). Use the arrow keys to place the cursor at the bottom of the file, and type in the aliases that you wish to use, one per line, just as you did when creating temporary aliases. When you are done, press Control + O (Write Out) to save the file. Press Command + X to exit nano and go back to the command line.

When you quit and re-open the Terminal application, your aliases will work without having to re-create them each time.

I hope you find it useful – let me know if you have any questions or comments 🙂

Take care!
My name is Matt, I’m the developer of Eternal Storms Software. If you’d like to comment, you can catch me on twitter here: [twitter-follow screen_name=’eternalstorms’ show_count=’yes’] or by eMail.

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Hi, all.

Yoink 3 is around the corner, currently in the depths of Apple’s review team, waiting to get its bare bits and bytes dissected and inspected.

In the meantime, I’d like to share what’s new about this version.


Yoink 3

The very first thing you’ll notice about Yoink 3 is its fresh, new interface that fits in perfectly with OS X Yosemite.
My graphics designer Alexander Käßner has done a wonderful job on rejuvenating almost every icon throughout the app – including the App Icon:

Yoink App Icon

One more screenshot of the app in action, showing off the new buttons to interact with Yoink:

Yoink in Action


Yoink 3 will be out soon and when it is released, I will share more about its new functionality and improvements.

You can download a free, 15-day trial of Yoink v2.5.2 from my website (the trial time will be reset for version 3) and purchase Yoink 2.5.2 on the Mac App Store (version 3 will be a free upgrade to existing users).

 Enjoy 🙂

My name is Matt, and I’m the developer of Eternal Storms Software. If you’d like to comment, you can catch me on twitter here: [twitter-follow screen_name=’eternalstorms’ show_count=’yes’] or by eMail.

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This is just going to be a quick post about some progress on Transloader for iOS 8.

The upcoming update will, of course, come with a Today Widget.
It will let you quickly add the currently copied URL on your pasteboard to Transloader without leaving the app you’re in and show you the status of the latest 3 transfers you have running in Transloader.

You can see a short GIF of it in action here on twitter (because my blog apparently can’t handle GIF images …)

I’m pretty excited about this. It’s how I (more or less) envisioned Transloader to work in the first place. Being able to take URLs without having to leave the active app.

Great times for iOS developers.

My name is Matt, and I’m the developer of Eternal Storms Software. If you’d like to comment, you can catch me on twitter here: [twitter-follow screen_name=’eternalstorms’ show_count=’yes’] or by eMail.

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As you’ve probably heard, iOS 8 is hitting the internet today. With it comes the new iCloud Drive. But there are caveats, especially, since OS X Yosemite isn’t available yet.

As Nik Fletcher of Realmac Software says in this article:

If you upgrade to iCloud Drive, you will only be able to sync with devices running iOS 8 or OS X Yosemite

Or the DayOne team in their knowledge base:

To use iCloud for syncing Day One, all of your devices must be using iOS 8 or Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).

So, for Transloader, it’s the same:

If you need to sync via iCloud with a Mac or an iOS device that can’t upgrade to iOS 8, consider not upgrading to iCloud Drive to continue syncing. Once OS X Yosemite is available, you can upgrade then and syncing will work just as expected.

Basically, if you’d like to keep using Transloader on with iOS 8, it’s better to wait with upgrading to iCloud Drive until OS X Yosemite is available.

My name is Matt, and I’m the developer of Eternal Storms Software. If you’d like to comment, you can catch me on twitter here: [twitter-follow screen_name=’eternalstorms’ show_count=’yes’] or by eMail.

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