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Let’s take a tour through DeskMat and see how it can sweep things under the rug for you – virtually.

DeskMat covers the files on your Mac’s Desktop instantly with the click of a button (or automatically) –
for nicer streams, video conferencing, screen sharing, and distraction-free work!

Table of Contents

Cover your Desktop

DeskMat runs completely in the background.
By default, it shows a button on your screens’ Desktops that you can click to toggle the Desktop cover. But you can also move it to your menu bar, use a keyboard shortcut, or have it trigger automatically.

To reach DeskMat's Settings and other options, right-click the button, or double-click DeskMat in Finder when it's already running.

From the Desktop

DeskMat runs in the background and shows a button on the bottom of your screens’ Desktops.
Click it to cover your Desktop, then click it again to uncover it.
Right-click it (or the Desktop cover) to reach DeskMat’s Settings and other options.

From the Menu Bar

Alternatively, you can have the button in your menu bar instead.
Click it to cover your Desktop, then click it again to uncover it.
Right-click it (or the Desktop cover) to reach DeskMat’s Settings and other options.

By default, clicking DeskMat's button covers just that screen's Desktop, so if you have multiple screens, the other Desktops will not be affected.
You can change this in DeskMat's Settings, or hold down the option key ⌥ when clicking.

Via Keyboard Shortcut
Toggle the Desktop cover with the press of a shortcut on your keyboard.

Via Auto-Triggers
DeskMat can cover your Desktop automatically when specified apps are running, or come to the foreground. More on that below.

Using the keyboard shortcut or auto-triggers will always cover all your screens' Desktops.

Button Settings

You can have the button appear on all your screens’ Desktops, only on your main screen’s, in the menu bar, or nowhere at all.
If you place the button on your Desktop, you can change on which edge of your screen(s) the button should appear.

If you choose to not display a button at all, you can trigger DeskMat’s cover via the keyboard shortcut or via auto-triggers.


DeskMat can automatically cover your Desktops when specific apps are running, or come to the foreground.

Wallpaper Selection

Choose between your current wallpaper*, the macOS Default Wallpaper (whatever the current version of macOS defaults to – on macOS Sequoia 15, it’s the forest), a solid color, a custom image, or blurring the Desktop with different strengths and appearances.

* To use your current wallpaper, DeskMat requires Screen Recording permissions. Although there is an API on macOS to get the current wallpaper, it is not reliable when it comes to dynamic wallpapers that change during the course of the day. So what DeskMat does, when you click its button to cover your Desktop, is to screenshot your wallpaper and use that as the cover, guaranteeing that it’s your actual wallpaper.

Reaching your Desktop

You might wonder: with my Desktop covered, how do I reach it?
Just right-click the cover, or DeskMat’s button, and select Open Desktop in Finder, and a new Finder window will open up, showing your Desktop’s contents.

That’s a Wrap

And that’s about it. I hope you’ll find DeskMat useful!

If you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to write me!


DeskMat Website + Trial + Direct Purchase
DeskMat Trial Download
DeskMat on the Mac App Store

Contact & Connect

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I have a new app out that lets you sweep things under the rug – virtually: DeskMat for Mac.

With DeskMat, you cover the mess of files and folders on your Desktop with a single click – and show them again in just the same way.
It makes for clean streams, screen sharing, and distraction-free work!

DeskMat Feature Overview

  • Cover your Desktop with the push of a button
    – If you have multiple screens, you can hide all or individual Desktops
  • Cover your Desktops with a keyboard shortcut
  • Cover your Desktops automatically
    – Make DeskMat cover your Desktops automatically, when specific apps are running, or coming to the foreground
  • The wallpaper of your choice
    – Use your current wallpapers as the cover, a solid color, custom images, or just blur the Desktop using various shades and appearances


DeskMat is available as a one-time purchase directly from my website, and on the Mac App Store.
It is currently available in English and German and requires macOS Sequoia 15 or newer.
For the next couple of days, DeskMat is about 30% off, at €3,99 / USD 3.99 / GBP 3.99
(regular pricing: €6,99 / USD 5.99 / GBP 5.99).
A free, 28-day trial is available on the website.

DeskMat Website + Trial + Direct Purchase
DeskMat on the Mac App Store
DeskMat Trial Download
Get to Know DeskMat (User Guide)

Contact & Connect

DeskMat – Cover your Desktops with Ease

I hope you’ll like this little app. If you’re interested in an NFR copy for reviews, please don’t hesitate to write me here.
If you have any feedback or questions, please do write me here.


On the Mac App Store Soon!

I goofed. I had a build of DeskMat approved and ready to go on the Mac App Store for release, but I discovered a bug and thought I’d take the risk to fix it, since the first submission went rather quickly and smoothly. I thought I still had time – (at that time more than a week).
Well, of course now the app is sitting “In Review”, and has been for over 6 days, without any notice on what’s going on, even though I got an expedited review, and inquired subsequently about what the holdup was (got a non-informative response, as always).
Anyway, I’m positive this will get sorted in time, I’ll keep bugging App Review about a status update and hopefully have DeskMat available on the Mac App Store soon. In the meantime, there’s the 28-day trial, and you can purchase it on my website, as described above.
My apologies for the inconvenience.

Update: It’s now available on the Mac App Store : )

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Maybe this is common knowledge and everybody knows this, but I’ve only recently come to learn how this works, so I thought I’d share.

I’ve been setting up Core Image filters like this for god knows how long:

The downsides are obvious:
1) I have to know the exact name of the filter (“CIColorPosterize”)
2) I have to know the keys and values it accepts (“inputLevels”)

    Browsing the Core Image headers, I did find functions for these filters where you could just call let filter = CIFilter.colorPosterize()

    Yet every time I tried, it never worked and would give me an error that
    CIFilter has no member 'colorPosterize'.
    Well, “Crap!“, I thought, this must be something that will become available eventually.

    How wrong I was. This has been available for a while, you just need to know how to do it!
    The “trick” is to not only import CoreImage, but also (why!?) import CoreImage.CIFilterBuiltins:

    And lo and behold, it works. I’m so happy, I could cry.
    I’m off to refactor some stuff now.

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    Today’s my 39th birthday. Yes, I’m that old. It’s the last time my age will have a leading 3.
    Unless I live to be 300. But I’ll cross that bridge once I get there.

    To mark this random occasion, I thought I’d do a little giveaway of my apps Yoink for Mac, Yoink for iPhone and iPad, ScreenFloat for Mac, Transloader for Mac, iPhone and iPad, and Tameno for Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV.

    Because I don’t have a fancier way of doing it, I’ll just list the promo codes to be used on the App Store here.
    Please be so kind as to add a comment with the one you used so I can update this post and cross them off – thank you!

    Here’s how it works:

    1. Copy the desired code to your clipboard
    2. Go to this page on the App Store
    3. Paste the code and press Redeem
    4. Enjoy!

    Promo Codes for Yoink for Mac on the Mac App Store




    Promo Codes for Yoink for iPhone and iPad on the App Store




    Promo Codes for ScreenFloat for Mac on the Mac App Store




    Promo Codes for Transloader for Mac on the Mac App Store
    (the iOS app is a free download)




    Promo Codes for Tameno on the Mac App Store
    (universal, so the code will give you access to all versions)




    Have a good one, and thank you for stopping by!

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