ScreenCastsOnline has published a great tutorial on Transloader, my app that allows you to manage your downloads on your Macs, remotely from your other devices (like an iPhone, iPad, or another Mac).
Interview about ScreenFloat 2 on Indie Watch
Check out ScreenCastsONLINE’s epic ~43m coverage of ScreenFloat 2
While I’m here, a tip: and ScreenCastsONLINE have teamed up to give you a 50% discount on the first year of an annual SCO subscription. That’s a really good deal!
⚡️ Transloader is ~40% off for its 11-year anniversary!
For its 11th year of existing, Transloader for Mac, iPhone and iPad is ~40% off at USD 4.99 / EUR 5,99 for a limited duration.
Start downloads on your Macs remotely, from your iPhone, iPad, or other Macs with Transloader.
Website(+ free trial)
Mac App Store(paid)
iOS App Store(free)
Enjoy 😊