Yoink for Mac v3.6.91 is now available, containing a couple of minor improvements and bug fixes.
What is Yoink?
Yoink appears at the edge of your screen when you begin to drag something, allowing you to place it there so you can more easily and comfortably navigate to the destination of your files.
Yoink in Action
Not only can you drag files to it, but also app-content like images from websites, text snippets, urls, and more.
“This app saved tons of hours for me and boosted my productivity. Totally recommended.”
Nebulan, Mac App Store
What’s New in Yoink v3.6.91?
It improves the app’s internal handling of shared and dragged files
Reduces the amount of memory the favicon fetcher subprocess (for urls placed in Yoink) uses
Fixes a menu item’s case from lower-case to Capitalized Case
Fixes a bug where Yoink could wait forever for a file preview icon to be created, even if it failed
Fixes a bug where sometimes Yoink would “steal” focus from other apps
Availability and Links
Yoink is a one-time purchase on the Mac App Store, or available as part of a Setapp subscription. A free, 28-day trial is available on the website. The app is available in English, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Italian and Portuguese.
Tameno v1.0.6 is now available, implementing a bunch of improvements and fixes.
What is Tameno?
Tameno is your interval-based, self-repeating timer. You want to stretch parts of your body 15 seconds each? Tameno. You’d like to do Yoga poses for 30 seconds each? Tameno. You want to water each of your hedge-plants for 45 seconds each? Tameno. You want to brush each side of every quadrant of your teeth equally for 10 seconds? Tameno. You want to make sure to look away from your screen every 20 minutes? Tameno. You meditate and re-align every couple of minutes? Tameno. You want to advance your slideshow at an even pace? Tameno.
The point is: Tameno – Stop counting. Start doing.
It features Siri Shortcuts integration, interactive Widgets, and syncs your recently used intervals across all your devices.
“I’ve been looking for exactly this app!”
Bernd, by eMail
“The only app of its kind! It’s great because of its versatility.”
MolluscaPhylum, Mac App Store (US)
What’s New in Tameno v1.0.6
Bug fixes aside (in some translations, the interval could be cut off, or on the Watch, the Settings screen was not immediately scrollable using the Digital Crown), the following improvements have been made:
Better support for Always-On displays on Apple Watch
On Apple TV, you can now change the interval by seconds and by minutes, by long-pressing the + and – buttons
On Mac, changing the interval by minutes with the arrow keys (left and right) and scrolling (left and right) is now possible. Up and down still changes by seconds
On Mac, CPU usage has been drastically reduced if the app is in the background
Availability, Links
Tameno is a universal purchase: buy it on one platform (Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple TV) and use it on all the others without an additional purchase. The app is a one-time purchase on the App Stores, at the price of USD/EUR/GBP 3.99, currently available in English and German.
I recently had a feature request to add Direct-Paste to ScreenFloat. I had not idea what that meant, so I looked it up. It basically combines the copy-paste operations into one, immediately pasting the freshly copied content into the currently active, frontmost app’s active window. So instead of having to copy the shot and then pasting it into the active app using command-v (or your method of choice), it’s all done in one go.
Now, there is no way this is allowed in the Mac App Store: ScreenFloat would require the Accessibility sandbox entitlement for it (to emulate the command-v key press), and that’s a big no-no. Why? I have no idea – they do have an entire process of reviewing apps set up for this sort of thing, after all. But I digress.
With the recently released ScreenFloat v2.2, I introduced support for Application Scripts, where users can supply their own, custom-made AppleScripts, and ScreenFloat can run them with a copy of a double-clicked floating shot. With that, it’s possible to set up a direct-paste double-click workflow. Here’s how.
A floating shot being double-clicked, immediately copy-pasting it into the currently active app, TextEdit.
The AppleScript
The AppleScript is fairly simple, and I’ve prepared it for you to download here (.zip, ~4KB). It expects the shot already having been copied to the clipboard (doable within the same double-click workflow), and then emulates a command-v key press to paste it into the active, frontmost app’s active window.
After you download and unzip the script, place it into this folder on your Mac: /Users/yourname/Library/Application Scripts/at.EternalStorms.ScreenFloat-[appstore|trial]/
Now it’s accessible from within ScreenFloat for the Run AppleScript double-click action.
Creating the Double-Click Workflow
Your double-click workflow will consist of two actions:
Copy Shot copies the double-clicked shot as a file path, or as image data (png, tiff, etc)
Run AppleScript runs the selected AppleScript
To set it up, open ScreenFloat’s Settings, select the Floating Shots tab, and under Double-clicking:, click with the mouse-button and modifier keys of your choice (you can set up multiple double-click workflows for different mouse buttons, with different modifier keys).
Press the + button below and select Copy Shot > Filepath | PNG | TIFF | etc Press the + button again and select Run AppleScript > Direct-Paste Double-Clicked Shot into Active App
Now, when you double-click a shot with your specified mouse button and modifier keys, the shot will be copied to your clipboard, and then the AppleScript will be executed, pasting the clipboard’s contents (your shot) to the active app’s active window.
That’s it. You can now easily copy-paste floating shots into the active app, without having to do the copy and pasting manually.
Minor Caveat If you set up the double-click workflow for a mouse button with a bunch of modifier keys, be sure to release the modifier keys as soon as you finish the double-click, otherwise the AppleScript will not send command-v to the active app, but [your pressed modifiers] – v, possibly resulting in a beep. That’s why I implemented a slight delay into the script (0.5 seconds), which you can adjust yourself by just changing that number, giving you more leeway for releasing the modifier keys you set up for the double-click workflow.
ScreenFloat v2.2, a free, feature-laden update to my screenshot and recording allrounder Mac app, is now available on the Mac App Store. You can now cut your screen recordings and individual audio-tracks, have more options for upload-and-copy-link sharing, run AppleScripts and Shortcuts with your shots, and more.
What is ScreenFloat?
With ScreenFloat, you make captured screenshots and recordings float above all other windows, so anything you can capture is always in sight for reference. Think of it like Picture-in-Picture, only for captures. And that’s only the beginning. It keeps your Desktop clutter-free by storing shots in the Shots Browser, where you can organize, collect, tag, rate and favorite them. It recognizes text, faces and barcodes so you can effortlessly extract, copy, share and quicksmart-redact them. It syncs your shots via iCloud across your Macs. Add annotations and markup, crop, “fold“, resize, de-retinize, trim, and mute your shots, and more. A screenshot is just a screenshot. Until you use ScreenFloat.
Tip: Check out the Get to Know ScreenFloat 2 Blog Post series for a deep-dive into its functionality and what it can do for you.
and more – PopClip extension, improved Siri Shortcuts, more Search and Smart Folder options
Video Cutting
You can now cut individual sections out of your screen recordings. And even better, you can select individual audio tracks you’d like to cut, so if you accidentally cough during a recording, you’ll be able to cut that out (but keep the system sound), or if a system sound is going off you don’t want in the recording, you can remove that (but keep your mic sound). Quite a lot of users of ScreenFloat (myself included) have been waiting for this, and I’m happy it’s finally here.
With Link Sharing, you share a link to a shot instead of the actual shot, making it easier to share large or multiple files. Expiring iCloud Links have been available since ScreenFloat 2.0. ScreenFloat v2.2 now supports ImageKit.io and Cloudinary.com as alternatives, allowing you to create non-expiring, shareable and embeddable links to your shots. Just like with iCloud link sharing, these can be created in a double-click workflow, making uploading and sharing links an absolute breeze.
Double-Click Actions for AppleScript and Shortcuts
Automation is one of the things that make the Mac so great. With ScreenFloat 2.2, you can now send your screenshots or recordings off to an AppleScript, or a Shortcut, with a double-click workflow. I’m already using this myself to upload shots to my server using an AppleScript, and then copy a link to it to my clipboard (like Link Sharing offers, just with my own server). It’s very neat, if I may say so myself! You can find the instructions here.
In that same automation-vein, you can now call ScreenFloat’s capturing abilities (and more) using its url scheme, “esssf2“. Capture screenshots, timed screenshots, screen recordings, or content on your clipboard, and start “after capture” actions, like instant annotation, cropping, or cutting. You can find more information here.
Interactive Release Notes
Showing what’s new in an app is nice and all, but what if the release notes could actually take you right to that new feature, or show instructions, or show more info for an improvement? That’s exactly what I did here. Watch a short video instruction, get directed to a feature within the app, see a screenshot for more detail, or follow a link for more instructions, right from the new “What’s New” panel.
A new Siri Shortcut to create shots from the contents of your clipboard
Smart Folders and Search now can filter for File Size
All Capture shortcuts in Shortcuts.app now have an “After Capture” option so you can go into annotating, cropping, resizing, trimming, cutting (etc.) right away after the capture
Minor improvements and bug fixes
Links and Availability
ScreenFloat is a one-time purchase, exclusively available on the Mac App Store for USD 15.99 / EUR 14,99 / GBP 15.99 , and a free update for existing customers. A free, 28-day trial is available for download from the website. It requires macOS 12 Monterey (macOS 14 Sonoma recommended for full functionality) A (free) iCloud account is required if you want to sync your ScreenFloat library across your Macs. ScreenFloat is currently localized in English, German, Chinese (Simplified), and Dutch.