
Screenshot of Yoink being featured on the App Store for iPhone and iPad

I’m very happy to report that Yoink for iPad and iPhone is currently featured on the App Store! I have to say, I’m quite filled with joy about that.

To mark the occasion, I’m spontaneously holding a sale of both Yoink for iPad and iPhone, and Yoink for Mac for a limited time.

Yoink for iPad and iPhone on Sale

Yoink for iOS is about 35% off right now, dropping from $5.99 to $3.99.
You can purchase it here, and learn more about it here.

Yoink for Mac on Sale

Yoink for Mac is about 22% off right now, dropping from $7.99 to $5.99.
You can purchase it here, learn more about it here, or directly download a free, 15-day trial here.

In closing, I’d like to thank you all for your continued feedback on the app, making it better with every mail, tweet and review you send. I appreciate it immensely.

With warm regards,
– Matt

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